Letter: State of forests saddening

I was with the B.C. Forest Service for almost 40 years and it saddens me to see what is happening to our forest in the Chilcotin.


I was with the B.C. Forest Service for almost 40 years and it saddens me to see what is happening to our forest in the Chilcotin.

When I started in the 1950s, logging practices were destructive and wasteful.  Over the years they improved to where I felt we were practicing responsible, sustainable forestry.

Since management of the forest has been turned over to the major forest companies, all that has changed. The one goal is to maximize saw log production. There is no concern for water, wildlife, fish, recreation, grazing or anything else.

Anyone who complains is simply run over: the forest companies have the power.

At my age it won’t affect me much, other than to cause me sadness, but I wonder what will be left for the next generation.

Art Joyce

Hanceville, B.C.

Williams Lake Tribune