Dozens of demonstrators reach the Hope Station House, gathered in support for preserving the 1916 building. (Photo/Christian Ward)

LETTER: Station House supporters should fund restoration

Lorne Fortune of Hope questions keeping the Station House

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to “What more does Hope council want?” a letter published in the April 2 edition.


Over the years, the public has spoken, and it has no will to spend more taxpayers’ money for the old, wooden Station House. So, 80 people showed up at Town Hall. How many were from out of town and don’t care as it’s not their property taxes going up?

Now, if the 2,000 who signed the petition all kicked in $2,000 each (do the math) they could get the work finished. But then what? Let it rot some more?

Maybe council can make a law that forces the richest person in town to buy it and run some kind of business. Tear it down already.

Lorne Fortune


Hope Standard