Letter: Stats Canada follows up on census deliver

Statistics Canada…is taking steps to ensure all households receive envelopes or questionnaires…

To the editor:

Recently, one of your readers expressed concerns with the delivery of census forms. Statistics Canada takes such concerns seriously, and is taking steps to ensure all households receive envelopes or questionnaires and have the opportunity to participate in the 2016 Census.

We encourage Canadians to complete the census as soon as they receive it, preferably online using the secure access code which is in the census letter or on the questionnaire.

Later this week, we start to follow up by phone and in person with non-respondents in certain areas of the country (where mail delivery is not conducted solely based on the civic address of the dwelling). Questionnaire packages will be sent to non-respondents in mail-out areas.

If households have not yet received a census envelope or wish to complete a paper questionnaire, we encourage them to phone the Census Help Line (1-855-700-2016).

We thank Canadians for their diligence in completing the census.

Lorne Anderson, director, Western Region

Statistics Canada


Kelowna Capital News