LETTER: Still waiting for a new library ...

LETTER: Still waiting for a new library …

I work near the B.C. legislative building, so I often walk by the new Capital Park development and have seen the evolution of the major project, which in phase one includes a library. The bright, 7,150-square-foot facility, chock full of books and other media, with a teen and children's area, looks great. I am envious.

I work near the B.C. legislative building, so I often walk by the new Capital Park development and have seen the evolution of the major project, which in phase one includes a library. The bright, 7,150-square-foot facility, chock full of books and other media, with a teen and children’s area, looks great. I am envious.

The new James Bay branch is probably not more than 1.5 kilometres away from the main library on Broughton Street, yet there it is, ready to open, fully-stocked and on time.

Back in Sooke, a new library remains on the shelf.

Apparently work should be starting on the Wadams Way site in a few months. Will it? And will it open by spring 2019?

There’s been no dispute that Sooke’s cramped, 3,900-square foot library doesn’t meet the growing needs of the 17,000 people it serves. The deficiencies have been on the books for years. Yet here we sit, waiting and wondering, while people not so far away are enjoying the benefits of their tax dollars.

The one bright spot is the staff at Sooke’s library. Professional, helpful and cheerful, even in their subpar setting.

Shannon Moneo


Sooke News Mirror