LETTER: Stop trying to soften reality of Surrey’s infamous Strip

When tackling a tough issue like this, it is best to use accurate and direct language to describe it.

One reader argues that when you are talking about cleaning up Surrey's infamous 'Strip,' it is best to use accurate and direct language to describe the issue.

One reader argues that when you are talking about cleaning up Surrey's infamous 'Strip,' it is best to use accurate and direct language to describe the issue.

The Editor,

Re: “Getting serious about the Strip,” the Now, Dec. 8.

To Surrey’s mayor, council, police and services regarding a new strategy and “crackdown” (pun not intended) to clean up the Whalley strip – when tackling an issue, it is best to use accurate and direct language to describe the issue.

I see now that the word “injection” is being replaced with “consumption” and “safe injection site’ is being replaced with “safe consumption site.”

Let’s be clear. Addicts are committing crimes to get money to buy illegal hard drugs to shoot them into their veins. They are injecting.

This attempt to soften, fuzzify and distort reality with some kind of “Newspeak” tells me that nothing is going to change on the Strip and that Surrey is well on it’ way to having its own Downtown Eastside circus.

B. Largghy, Surrey

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