
Letter: Stop use of Roundup in Cowichan

If Roundup has not been banned by our councils, please do that now

Stop use of Roundup in Cowichan

Dear mayors and councillors:

To my horror on Saturday, Aug. 14 at 1:45 p.m. I witnessed a hazmat clad worker — who claimed to work for the city — spraying the controversially toxic herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) on sidewalk weeds near Duncan’s Boundary and Ingram Road intersection.

If this poisonous chemical has already been banned for use inside Duncan and North Cowichan limits, why is it still being applied?

If Roundup has not been banned by our councils — for use on public and private property — please do that now before more of this hideously unnecessary chemical enters our bodies, soil, food, forests, plus ground and surface water.

Glyphosate, Roundup’s active chemical, is sadly still made by Monsanto-Bayer.

In 2020, those multi-national chemical companies were paying more than $10 billion to resolve global cancer lawsuits concerning their weedkiller Roundup, NPR reported.

Roundup is still unfortunately sold in our valley.

Please act now to educate citizens about Roundup’s eco-hazards, and ban this insidious chemical from use anywhere in our community.

Peter W. Rusland

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen