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LETTER: Summerland’s eco-village concept an excellent idea

This combination can be an absolute show piece that all Summerlanders should be proud of

Dear Editor:

Combining the Summerland solar and battery storage plant with an eco-village is an excellent idea.

Please make sure to find a developer who will provide affordable housing options. This is possible even while implementing energy efficient features.

READ ALSO: Eco-village development proposed for area around Summerland’s solar site

READ ALSO: Summerland council reaffirms solar project in 4-3 vote

The proximity to the solar and battery storage plant with its ability to provide energy to more than 100 homes will permit the construction in compliance with Level 5 of the BC STEP Code. This combination can arguably be an absolute show piece that all Summerlanders should be proud of.

And the economics will work! To those who were swayed against the project by Coun. Richard Barkwill’s letters please understand the following: his financial analysis was about the solar panels only, not the integrated solar and battery storage plant. He did not make that clear in his letters but it has been confirmed in direct correspondence with me.

If the same analysis is applied to what is actually being built and largely financed by the federal gas tax refund program, the combined plant will be profitable. It will also provide a broad range of operational and environmental benefits.

Furthermore, homes built in compliance with BC STEP Code Level 5 consume net-zero energy and will be economical to own and operate.

How can anybody be against this project?

Henry Sielmann


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