LETTER: Support candidates who will assist cannabis industry

LETTER: Support candidates who will assist cannabis industry

Cannabis has often provided extra income for fruit growers or paid the bills for students

Dear Editor:

I am a long time resident of Summerland, a retired scientist, lecturer for Okanagan College, and consultant to the beverage alcohol industry. I am currently the Director of Scientific Services for a company in Colombia, South America, producing medicinal cannabis extracts.

The explosive growth of the cannabis industry in Canada is unprecedented.

Canada has suddenly become a world leader in this industry because our governments recognized that a majority of Canadians saw the futility of the irrational 20th century vilification of a plant that had benefitted mankind for over 10,000 years.

Summerland has a long history of cannabis cultivation.

Cannabis has often provided extra income for fruit growers who had a hard time to make ends meet, or paid the bills for students who were struggling to pay tuition fees.

Under the new highly controlled legalization of cannabis cultivation, clandestine cultivation will not end, but there will be less stigma, and legal options will now be present.

In the coming municipal elections, I highly recommend that Summerlanders support candidates who will assist this industry to move forward in Summerland.

Summerland desperately requires a strengthened business base. The cannabis industry is projected within five years to surpass the income of the beverage alcohol industry.

For those who oppose cannabis consumption, I recommend that you investigate the realities of cannabis use.

Recreational users don’t become violent or abusive.

There is no lethal dose of cannabis and it has not been shown to be a gateway drug for entry into potentially lethal addictive drugs.

For those of us who have been told throughout our lives that we should beware of the evils of cannabis, I recommend that you carefully weigh the options before solidifying your position. At some point, cannabis therapy could become your sole means to maintain a tolerable quality of life.

Gary Strachan


Summerland Review