(Black Press File)

LETTER: Support cycling during GoByBikeBC Week

Take two wheels to work next week instead of four

Next week, we’ll see many cyclists in Chilliwack participating in GoByBikeBC Week. Running May 31 to June 6, this celebratory week has been an annual spring event throughout the province for years.

GoByBikeBC is billed as a healthy and fun way for people of all ages and abilities to be physically active and win prizes. It’s easy to overlook an additional benefit this initiative offers our community.

READ MORE: Chilliwack cyclists unite for GoByBikeBC Week

By encouraging riders to register online, identify their community, and share how often and how far they ride a bike each day, local data can be collected to help city planners understand the demand for bicycle lanes, trails, and multi-use paths in our city.

In recent years, public consultation in several areas has indicated a strong desire to see Chilliwack as a community that promotes parks and trails, active living, and diversified transportation options. Taking a minute to register at gobybikebc.ca and logging your cycling activity is a great way to support Chilliwack in pursuing these goals.

Dan Douglas

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Chilliwack Progress