James Perry stands near one of three speed humps the City of Surrey recently built near his home, in the Fraser Heights area of Surrey. (Photo: Tom Zillich)

James Perry stands near one of three speed humps the City of Surrey recently built near his home, in the Fraser Heights area of Surrey. (Photo: Tom Zillich)

LETTER: Surrey dad’s fight for speed humps hits home

Reader thanks James Perry for being persistent in getting speed humps installed in his neighbourhood

The Editor,

Re: “Dad’s persistence pays off,” the Now-Leader, Oct. 11.

I am sending a huge shout out to James Perry for being persistent in getting speed humps installed in his Fraser Heights neighbourhood.

After his son was seriously injured by a speeding driver, Perry fought for two years before they were installed.

SEE ALSO: Persistent father of injured boy finally sees speed humps built on Surrey street

I can totally relate to his situation. I spent five years fighting with the City of Surrey before speed humps were installed by Meagan Ann MacDougal Park in Fleetwood.

There are two schools in the neighbourhood and I have seen a few close calls, with pedestrians almost getting hit by speeding cars.

I am thankful that we finally got the speed humps and signage as well. It has slowed down some of the drivers.

I have to be honest, I was very frustrated with the City of Surrey but like James Perry I persisted and we finally have them.

Linda Ypenburg, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader