Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum talks to media on in 2018 after council gave the green light to a controversial five-year budget. (File photo: Amy Reid)

LETTER: Surrey mayor is fooling with our bank books

Reader asks if residents will be able to pay McCallum's new tax

The Editor,

Re: “Surrey tax hike ‘tip of iceberg,’ Annis warns,” the Now-Leader, Nov. 19.

Finally, someone (Linda Annis) stepped up and showed concern for the taxpayers of Surrey.

Doug McCallum and his fiscal/ special project budgets and actual costs don’t read the same. This mayor isn’t balancing his own personal bank book – he is fooling with our bank books, Surrey taxpayers.

Will we be able to afford to pay McCallum’s new tax? Will the City of Surrey be so far in debt from his pet policing project that the other departments in city hall, like fire, parks and recreation, and bylaws will have their budgets slashed beyond an existing level?

T. Pope, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader