How could a rational person look at Surrey’s policing transition and say this is a good plan and idea for the city, one reader asks. (File photo: Amy Reid)

LETTER: Surrey Police will clearly take anyone just to fill a chair

Long list of bad decisions results in complete lack of confidence in board

The Editor,

I am writing to say enough is enough with this completely non-transparent and circus of a policing transition.

How can the public have any confidence after what has transpired thus far? From the beginning this transition should have never been given the green light. This transition has been built on secrecy. It started by and is chaired by a mayor who is riding out a one-man’s pet project and personal agenda.

The Surrey Police Board was formed, and is now without Bob Rolls, and there is complete lack of confidence in this board. Photos show board member Harley Chappell with Hells Angels. It continues with the hiring of Norm Lipinski, who left Delta’s police department amongst a scandal. Fast forward to the recent hiring of Jeff Metcalfe, who just got his driver’s licence back after a 90-day prohibition. And now, another inspector hired won’t be taking the job after all – and nobody will say why.

How does this instil any confidence in the public that the right people are being hired?

ZYTARUK: The Surrey Police Service really needs to get its act together

It’s clear that the SPS is desperate to hire people and will take anyone to fill a chair. How could a rational person look at this transition and say this is a good plan and idea for the city?

John Horgan and Mike Farnworth have the ability to stop this transition, which is being shoved down the throats of the residents of Surrey.

In a time that policing is changing, these recent hires just show the general public that the BC NDP government cares nothing for them and does not care to change to the better.

LETTER: It’s astonishing that Surrey Police hired inspector busted for driving impaired

This transition is placing Surrey’s safety at risk, as well and the surrounding area municipalities. This is the start of destabilization of policing in British Columbia.

The public does not know what the SPS philosophy will be, only vague references with no public input at all. This transition has not been done well and there should be no holding back of information.

I am sure I’m not the only one in Surrey with these feelings. I fully support the RCMP staying in Surrey. This is not the time to continue to push through this transition, kicking Surrey’s taxpayers while they are down.

Mr. Horgan and Mr. Farnworth, can you honestly say this is a good idea, set out with the highest of standards? I think not.

John Cosmidis, Surrey

edit@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow us on Twitter

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