Flood risk assessment for the Vedder River is one of 38 flood planning projects that has been awarded provincial funding through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund program. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress file)

LETTER: Swimmers on the Vedder River should yield to boats

'There should be more signage instructing others to yield to boats'

I support the use of motorized boats on the Vedder River.

RELATED: Senior swimming in Vedder River almost struck by oblivious boater in Chilliwack

This waterway is a great resource for recreational fisherman, kayakers, and other pleasurecraft users. If you look at the record every year, search and rescue is rescuing or recovering the bodies of swimmers who recklessly get caught in log jams and other hazards on the Vedder River. I’ve also been witness to many small children swimming in the river. I think there should be more signage pointing out the hazards on the river and instructing others to yield to boats.

Duane Antifaeff


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