Letter: Tag your dogs, now

Letter: Tag your dogs, now



After a busy morning, I was about to have lunch but stepped outside for a moment and saw a dog on the loose. A friendly long-haired well-groomed dog, thankfully, with tags.

I got him into my yard, got a long scarf, my phone and called the number on his tag next to his District License tag. Oh joy. Withing fifteen minutes the owners, a nice couple, drove their truck up and scooped the little guy up.

If only people would take a few minutes to buy a tag and put a phone number on their pets, including cats.

Having just returned home from District Hall and learning that I can do basically nothing about the “perpetual barking” dog behind me during the day and evening and weekends. Also that we can’t afford bylaws officers on bikes, “sorry that was temporary the one we had”. I was a bit disheartened but this cheered me up somewhat.

With all the newcomers to Hope you would think we could afford a couple of officers on bicycles, as the one exhausted bylaw officer has way too much on his plate, in my humble opinion.

Ruth Renwick

Hope Standard