Agassiz Shoppers Drug Mart is one of many stores that reserves opening shopping hours for seniors and those with compromised immune systems. (File Photo)

Agassiz Shoppers Drug Mart is one of many stores that reserves opening shopping hours for seniors and those with compromised immune systems. (File Photo)

LETTER: Take only what you need

Anne White of Harrison comments on community response to COVID-19.

This letter has been edited to meet letter to the editor length limits. Letters may be edited for taste, clarity and brevity.

Dear Editor,

The strain and stress of our new reality with COVID-19 has affected each one of us. As seniors in our community, it has been especially concerning.

First, I would like to thank Harrison’s Mayor and council for their quick, decisive action in closing our village to visitors during this crisis.

To health care and front line workers, thank you, thank you .

It has also been heartwarming to see the many ways businesses and organizations thought to keep seniors safe by offering separate shopping times in the community. This reminds us all to check in on our neighbors when we go shopping and offer to pick items up for them.

It truly reflects a community who realizes we are in this together.

My concern is for those who are on assistance and receive a monthly cheque from the government. When I have grocery shopped in recent times, there are huge lines of people. Some basic items are not available due to high demand or sometimes you can get the items, but only in a premium brand.

I struggle with how this will affect fellow citizens who will shop when they have their monthly cheques .

Many of us can wait if an item is not there or buy a more expensive brand or come back another time. Many others are on a strict budget and often are faced with food scarcity for weeks before they are financially able to shop again.

Could the net be widened inviting those on very limited incomes including seniors to shop on cheque day an hour before others?

I hope this does not sound like it stigmatizes people more, and there are probably other ways to do this.

Food is a basic human need. How do we level the playing field to meet those in need in these difficult times?

What may not have been a huge issue in the past is maybe a crucial situation now.

Let us all be responsible in buying only what we need.


Anne White

Harrison Hot Springs

Agassiz Observer