LETTER: Taken aback by Penticton’s park treatment

I biked past Lackawanna Park recently and was taken aback by the massive (for the space) building going on there.

I biked past Lackawanna Park recently and was taken aback by the massive (for the space) building going on there.

The lovely small, open park area is now a pitiful shadow of its former self now completely shaded, lacking a lake view and most uninviting. Whatever were the planners thinking in allowing such a development on this small plot and the council in approving it? The gross mistreatment of the two mature chestnut trees in the front disturbed me the most.  The roots of these gorgeous trees are exposed to the air because of what appears to be a walkway or some other structure dug out beside them and soil was piled on top of the root zone. As well, half the root zone of the tree to the east is now under a deck. The trees are visibly suffering with some leaves starting to brown.

There is no excuse for such wanton disregard for these irreplaceable (in our time) plant treasures. After the demise of a number of mature maples and other trees in Gyro Park from similar neglect and mistreatment over the years, one would think that council and staff would be more careful.  Given their age, the chestnuts may recover if the damage is reversed immediately; however, that will require a change in the development plan and a reversal of some of the work already done. I trust that other citizens will take a look at this travesty of careful development and care enough about the city’s trees to also register their disapproval with the city of what has been done at Lackawanna Park.  Oh, and the loss of the lovely little corner lakeview park too.

Eva Durance




Penticton Western News