Letter: Taking exception to FortisBC’s electricity rates

I did a quick calculation based on 3000 kWh usage over a two month billing period.

To the editor:

Re: Rest of Province Pays Less Than Us, March 29, letter to Capital News.

I want to thank Ken Umbarger for taking the time to bring this information to us.

I did a quick calculation based on 3000 kWh usage over a two month billing period (which I think is low for a two-storey house).

When I use the rates that were quoted in the letter, Fortis customers pay 24 per cent more than BC Hydro. This is completely unfair.

I contacted Fortis directly on this issue and they have so far refused to answer why their customers pay significantly more for the same electricity.

The disparity increases if someone is using electricity for their main heating source, such as a heat pump (which Fortis promotes) or electric baseboard.

I totally agree that some action needs to be taken to alleviate this inequity.

John Anderson,



Kelowna Capital News