LETTER: Taking responsibility for choices key to rehabilitation

One reader believes helping people ingest harmful substances is not a path to success

Re: Safe injection sites only one piece of treatment puzzle (Letters, Dec. 14)

In advocating detoxification and rehabilitation for addicts, Melissa Wolfe makes the claim that addiction is not a choice.

Addiction and other destructive behaviours come from lack of ability to apply good thinking skills to make wise choices and create sound values for life.

Note that many people stop their addiction themselves – they come to the realization they can’t go on living the way they have, and will change how they care for themselves.

Indeed, psychologist Michael Hurd and others have pointed out that Alcoholics Anonymous has a poor success rate, and is not a lasting cure because it avoids making the individual responsible for their own life.

The compassion that Ms. Wolfe advocates has to be “tough love” to get many individuals to change.

Helping people ingest harmful substances – the lie of the “safe injection” sites scheme – is not a path to success.

Keith Sketchley


Goldstream News Gazette