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LETTER: Tax and wage numbers were skewed in July 28 letter

Using percentages to your advantage is always a simple way of expressing your point…

To the Editor,

Re: Council doesn’t deserve a raise, says writer, Letters, July 28, 2021

I totally disagree with the statements and claims of the writer.

Using percentages to your advantage is always a simple way of expressing your point without a lot of substantial backup.

While critical of these increases [council voted in favour of raising mayor and councillors’ salaries, effective in January 2023, after the 2022 civic election], the writer mentions his or her own property tax increases of 27 percent. They fail to acknowledge the increase in their property value which has risen from 50 to 75 percent in the past two to three years.

If we play that same percentage game they have enjoyed a tax decrease.

I am more than satisfied with the performance of everyone on council and staff and rest assured, they have my vote in the next election.

Wayne Oliver,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News