Letter: Taxes paid by expanded work force will cover $10 daycare

After implementing affordable daycare, within a few years the program pays for itself, notes Jeff Laurie.

Editor: Here is a reply to Bill Donaldson’s letter (the Times, Feb. 1) asking who will pay for $10 a day childcare:

All those thousands of people who now stay home because they can’t afford the exorbitant captive market pricing attached to quality daycare will be the ones to pay.

Studies have shown that after implementing affordable daycare, within a few years the program pays for itself, with modest profits to the government.

This comes from those who can now enter the work force and pay taxes and buy products and contribute socially to improving the lives of their families and their communities.

We’re all in this world together and we owe it to ourselves to do whatever we can to improve the lives of others, for everyone’s benefit.

Jeff Laurie, Langley

Langley Times