LETTER: Teach students about monetary system

It was with mixed emotions that I read of the laudable recent student climate symposium.

LETTER: Teach students about monetary system

Re: “Happy Earth Day, L.V. Rogers!”

It was with mixed emotions that I read of the laudable recent student climate symposium. While this exercise in awakening “people power” is refreshing to see, the truth of the matter is that the education of our young students is woefully stunted by not explaining the real truth of how and why society is run and for whose benefit in the main.

Are our young adults given the true economic concepts that civilization runs on? Is monetary theory even mentioned in curriculum from kindergarten through Grade 12? If the truth were ever divulged, of our debt and money system, then our young might have a different view point of how our world system functions and who is beneficiary of this system. This then might lead to more incisive thinking on other aspects of our modern world and the environmental movement and those channeling it for their own gain.

The UN IPCC, and its action plan Agenda 2030, with its attached planning code “Smart Growth” was and is the creation of the financial and corporate overstructure that dominates the world. It hides behind a “green mask” and is brought forth through the auspices of the UN bodies using lovely sounding environmental platitudes based on the anthropogenic global warming meme to advance their agenda.

We all know this on some level as we know our political class are mere sycophants to the power centers of the monetary dictatorship imposed by debt, all owed to the banking class. Their wholly owned corporate entourage is also at their bidding. The TPP and the wars for resource control are all part of the overall planning. The plan of these societal masters is to inventory and control all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, energy, production, construction, education, information, human habitation and all humans on the planet.

We are failing our young by not giving them the real truth! We should be asking ourselves why aren’t we giving them the truth?

Brad Fuller, Nelson



Nelson Star