Letter: Teachers ‘undervalued’ by Clark government

The continued underfunding of programs and the undervaluing of teachers…undermines one of our core values, that children are a priority.

To the editor:

At a democratic convention Hilary Clinton said: “It takes the community to provide the best environment for nurturing the child.”  In my twenty years as a parent and teacher that is an adage that has resonated with me.

I have observed and collaborated with families, other teaching staff, including CUPE workers, medical professionals, Social Services, church groups, police, probation, volunteers and a host of like-minded groups and individuals. Each participant has brought caring and expertise to the table.

However, efforts have been thwarted and the legs have been cut off from our table. Without government support the table is off balance.

The continued underfunding of programs and the undervaluing of teachers has created a culture that is undermining one of our core values, that children are a priority and the future of our ‘community.’

It is evident in this current labor dispute our community finds the lack of government support unconscionable.

Government needs to come to the table with the best interests of children and the community as their focus.  Christy Clark is now a member of our community as our MLA for West Kelowna; she would do well to understand her constituents and community and champion the cause of children, not impede it.

Cheryl Thompson,

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News