At least one Terrace resident found a surprise in their taxes.

At least one Terrace resident found a surprise in their taxes.

Letter: Terrace tax increase a shocker

"I had no idea I would be dealing with a mentality like the oil companies and their pump prices"

Dear Sir:

Let me first say I have been raised in Terrace and like other long term residents I have seen many increases in our cost of living.

Home owners like myself don’t normally have a problem supporting the municipality by paying our fair share of yearly taxes. There are times when we are all confronted with overpricing and gouging (e.g. gas prices). Most of us mumble under our breaths and move on. This is not that time.

My home was built in the ‘50s and like any home it needs upkeep. So, in the past 5-6 years I have done some improvements like windows, roof, siding and even had a garage built.

When that was done I expected and accepted the fact that my municipal taxes would increase.

When I said I wouldn’t have a problem paying my fair share I had no idea I would be dealing with a mentality like the oil companies and their pump prices. Your readers might want to have a look at how much their taxes have increased in the past three years.

For example my municipal taxes increased 38 per cent in 2014, 19 per cent in 2015 and 39 per cent in 2016 for a total of 96 per cent since 2013.

When I add up the bottom figure they ask me to pay for 2016 it is $2,351.29, whopping increase from the $1,033.65 it was in 2013.

When I hear our mayor telling the news about how we need to do something to help the homeless I wonder if she and her councillors complete disregard for the cost of living is contributing to these problems?

Evan Fortner,

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard