The B.C. Thanksgiving Food Drive in Quesnel, held over the week of Sept. 21-26, collected 6,759 pounds of food — an increase of 829 pounds from last year. (Photo Submitted)

The B.C. Thanksgiving Food Drive in Quesnel, held over the week of Sept. 21-26, collected 6,759 pounds of food — an increase of 829 pounds from last year. (Photo Submitted)

LETTER: Thank you Quesnel for supporting record-breaking food drive

The Thanksgiving Food Drive collected 6,759 pounds of food for the Salvation Army food bank


A huge thank you to Quesnel residences for their generous donations to the annual B.C. Thanksgiving Food Drive, which occurred the week of Sept. 21-26.

Bags were first dropped off at homes at the beginning of the week, with collection on Sept. 26.

We collected 6,759 pounds of food for the local Food Bank run by the Salvation Army (at the Warrior’s Song Café on McLean Street) — an increase of 829 pounds from last year!

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers. We could not have done this without you.

If you would like more information or to volunteer next year, please contact Russ at 250-255-1611.

Once again, thank you Quesnel!

Sandra Davis,

Public relations for the Quesnel Thanksgiving Food Drive

READ MORE: West Quesnel Business Association wins food drive challenge for second straight year

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