Letter: Thanks for decision on park

Thanks also to the entire city staff and the rest of council for grappling with this often very difficult issue.

To the editor:

Thanks for the park.

Many thanks to those on council who voted for the retention of all 11 lots for the Cedar Avenue Park, with no sale of any of the lots. (Councillors Basran, Blanleil, DeHart, Singh and Zimmermann)

Thanks to all of you for listening to the public, and coming to an excellent decision. Your long term vision will have a positive impact on Kelowna for many decades, and centuries, to come.

Thanks also to the entire city staff and the rest of council for grappling with this often very difficult issue, and working very hard for all these years in trying to come to a resolution that reflected the wishes of Kelowna’s citizens.

Thanks for the park.

Paul Mitchell,



Kelowna Capital News