LETTER: Thanks for the assistance

Letter writer expresses appreciation for help retrieving dog

I am a senior citizen living in Mission. I have a little dog, also a senior citizen. On sunny days, I like to take him for a walk. He walks, I ride my scooter.

Unfortunately, he is not a friendly dog. As we met a gentleman on the sidewalk, he started to bark and was so intent on protecting me from this stranger that he slipped off the sidewalk and fell into the ravine. I was still holding his leash and for a while he was hanging by his neck until the collar thankfully slipped off.

Now he is down in a blackberry bramble-filled ravine and is scared, but still barking. A car stopped and a young girl named Cheyanne hopped out and offered to go down and get him. Unfortunately, Max is not used to so many people around him and was not willing to let her pick him up. Her Dad then tried and Max finally let the man pick him up. Max is a Shih Tzu, albeit a sturdy one, so really shouldn’t be scary, but don’t tell him that.

The reason for this note is to try and thank these people for their kindness and courage in rescuing a dog who really is grateful, but has trouble expressing his feelings. So thank you, Cheyanne, and your parents. Max and I will be eternally grateful for for your kindness today.

Myrle Ginther


Mission City Record