LETTER: Thanks for the help

I was involved in a pedestrian/vehicle accident on South Fraser Way on the night of Nov. 11...

I was involved in a pedestrian/vehicle accident on South Fraser Way on the night of Nov. 11.

I want to acknowledge and thank the wonderful people who stopped to give assistance, as well as the police, fire and ambulance personnel.

The police were professional and efficient as well as caring and compassionate. I couldn’t have asked for better treatment. The people who stopped to help on such a cold night showed exceptional caring. One gentleman delivered the food that was to go to a meal for the hungry.

Others brought blankets and afghans from their cars to keep the injured warm. Some even took off their own jackets for this purpose.

People offered rides and to contact family. A traumatic event was made a little less traumatic by all those caring compassionate people. Thank you and best wishes for a happy new year.

G. Hartley, Abbotsford

Abbotsford News