Campbell Valley Park in South Langley is a beautiful place to go for a walk, but its size can be deceiving as a pair of seniors discovered while walking on a hot day. They have written to publicly thank the volunteer who gave them a drink and drove them to their car after they walked farther than they had intended.

Campbell Valley Park in South Langley is a beautiful place to go for a walk, but its size can be deceiving as a pair of seniors discovered while walking on a hot day. They have written to publicly thank the volunteer who gave them a drink and drove them to their car after they walked farther than they had intended.

Letter: Thanks from two hot and tired Campbell Valley Park walkers

Editor: On Sunday June 5, my friend and I (both seniors) went to Campbell Valley Park for a walk because it was nice and cool, with lots of shade on a hot day.

We took a path that we hadn’t ventured on before and it was a bit longer than we had planned.

Many riders on horseback passed us on the trail. We asked them if we were nearing the main exit.

Unfortunately we weren’t, but we did come across a group of people just finishing up their barbecue for the Crone’s and Colitis Association Gutsy Walk. One of the volunteers offered to drive us to another parking lot where we had parked our car.

She asked us if we wanted some water and said if we had been a little earlier we could have had something to eat.

She then gave us a grape juice drinking box. Boy, did it ever taste good.

I’m sorry I didn’t ask her name but we really appreciated her kindness.

Maggie T and Terry G,


Langley Times