LETTER: Thanks to a generous stranger

I was getting my groceries was ready to pay when I realized some cards (bank card and others) were missing from my wallet...

I was getting my groceries at the Abbotsford Costco on Friday, January 10 and was ready to pay when I realized some cards (bank card and others) were missing from my wallet. I then remembered seeing my 2 year old in my purse the day before and realized what had probably happened to my bank card.

I had $20 cash on me (& a cranky 2 year old) and the groceries came to $50, plus the line-up was building behind me.  A man came up to me and said “this doesn’t look like it will cost much” and handed me $40 to pay for my groceries and walked out of the store.

I was so shocked that I was speechless and didn’t have an opportunity to thank him. So, generous stranger, if you are reading this – Thank you for brightening my day and helping out someone who needed a hand!


Jenny Archondous

Abbotsford News