LETTER: Thanks to all the people who helped

On Jan. 5, my wife and I were at a doctor’s appointment on Allwood Street.

On Jan. 5, my wife and I were at a doctor’s appointment on Allwood Street.

We completed, we headed across South Fraser Way on our scooters to the mall for lunch and a bit of shopping before taking a taxi home.

But in the middle of the street, my wife lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Immediately, people came rushing over to help. I heard one lady say how to lift her.

Now in all this excitement, we forgot to thank those wonderful folks.

Even the cars at the intersection waited for us to pass them before they moved.

Thanks again, all you folks. We’re really blessed to live in Abbotsford where people do care for each other.

Ernie Poignant

Abbotsford News