Letter: Thanks to charitable residents of Rossland

When people give of their time, their energy and their heart, they deserve special recognition and a personal thank you.

When people give of their time, their energy and their heart, they deserve special recognition and a personal thank you.

The residents of Rossland and the Canadian Cancer Society volunteers who sold daffodils, daffodil pins and went door to door exemplify those people.

The Rossland Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society raised $13,346 in the April Door-to-Door Campaign and $2,375 during Daffodil Days.

Monies raised provide:

  • caring, practical and personal support to people living with cancer in the Kootenay region

  • critical cancer prevention initiatives through public education, health promotion, community action and advocacy for healthy public policy that make healthier choices, easy choices

  • the very best cancer research in Canada

Once again, our sincerest thanks with the hope that we will continue to help lessen the impact of cancer on individuals, families and communities.


Mary Hatlevik

President Rossland Unit

Canadian Cancer Society


Rossland News