LETTER: Thanks to those who organized Welcoming Communities Summit

The South Okanagan Similkameen Immigration Partnership recently hosted an inaugural Welcoming Communities Summit.

Dear Editor:

The South Okanagan Similkameen Immigration Partnership recently hosted an inaugural Welcoming Communities Summit.

This created a platform for various sectors of society and immigrants to devise plans aimed at accelerating immigrant adaptation to life in Canada.

It was evident that a lot of effort was invested in presenting a seamless and stimulating summit. Kudos to the project team.

Newcomers were empowered with the keys of unlocking doors to success in Canada. Delegates shared valuable insights on how integration in the socio-economic, cultural and political areas can be realized.

It is in initiatives of this nature that seeds of collaboration are sown. It is now up to each one of us to work together to embrace the unique threads of this rich tapestry of culture and diversity.

What binds us together is the common thread of humanity.

The Okanagan is a wonderful place to “live, work, invest in and play.”

May we unify to build better communities through selfless service, mutual respect and peaceful co-existence.

Lastly, I would like to express my profound gratitude to SOICS for sponsoring my attendance at the summit.

This is an entity which continues to create a better life for immigrants.

Pinky Bata



Summerland Review