Letter thanks tour sponsors

Tour de Rock organizers say thanks as fundraiser wraps up for another year



The Canadian Cancer Society/Copps for Cancer, Tour de Rock Committee would like to express our sincere thanks to the merchants who donated towards the Silent Auction held at the Tour de Rock Red Serge Dinner, Monday Oct. 3, at the Eagles’ Hall.

Our heartfelt thanks also go to all the citizens of Ladysmith and organizations who made cash donations toward this very worthy cause. The funds that were donated, go towards running Camp Goodtimes, a place where children with cancer can be themselves and have fun for a few weeks in the summer. This camp is fully staffed by qualified trained people who can handle any medical assistant that a child might need during their attendance. There are also camps that will take the family of children with cancer, as well, some of the funds go towards cancer treatments at the children’s hospitals, and child cancer research, for further improvements on treatments, and cure. You may contact the Canadian Cancer Society here in Ladysmith at 250-245-0671 for further information.


Noriko Nakahara


Ladysmith Chronicle