
LETTER: The City of Port Alberni’s tax proposal is out of touch with reality

Residents have too much financial hardship for a tax increase, says letter writer

To the Editor,

It amuses me to see how our elected government works. It is nice to see that they have the people of Port Alberni at heart.

They have now introduced a bylaw that we will be asked for more money due to a methane gas problem at the local dump by adding another garbage can to our utilities bill for organics collection, or threatening another tax for looking after it at our garbage dump. They also have told us they will be increasing the property tax.

Wait a minute: we are in the midst of a pandemic, and a lot of people are facing hardship because of it. Do the councillors and mayor not see this? The meaning of the word “hardship” in this case is “financially hard done by,” can the city not see this? It has been in the papers and on the news casts for a year, that people are having a hard time meeting mortgage payments, paying taxes or for food for the family, and numerous other financial problems.

My message to the city and its organizers is to try to be more efficient in your city planning and have a little concern for the people of this small community. Jobs are not that easily found during this pandemic, and layoffs are plentiful.

Dave Noble,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News