LETTER: The economy and the environment

"Our current economic model, it seems, is indeed playing havoc on the environment."

LETTER: The economy and the environment

There seems to be increasing discussion on the possible impact of climate change and how that might effect the economy.  There is also, among some, a notion that environment and economy are in opposition.

If we consider that both are systems, we have to appreciate that “the environment” pre-dates human existence on the planet.  It tends to be self regulating as it seeks homeostasis.

An “economy” is a human construct — a system in which goods and services are produced and distributed.  This all happening in the context of the environment.

Our current economic model, it seems, is indeed playing havoc on the environment.  We do need goods and services and a distribution method to deliver the above. What needs to be considered is: what should we be producing, how should it be produced and how distribution should happen. We have to do things differently.

Will it be easier to adapt to an altered environmental system — hoping it can still support life, or should we consider changing the economic model — doing things differently in a way that maintains spaceship earth.

Ron Robinson


Nelson Star