Maple Ridge is considering a contract for curbside garbage pickup. (Black Press/files)

Maple Ridge is considering a contract for curbside garbage pickup. (Black Press/files)

Letter: The greater good on garbage pickup

Editor, The News:

Editor, The News:

Re: No to single, city-wide garbage pickup.

I can see pros and cons in private and public garbage collection. If there are greater negatives in municipal collection, why has almost every city optioned and then continued to have city controlled collection?

There must be very good reasons. Has Maple Ridge contacted other municipalities to obtain their reasoning?

And no-one has ever mentioned the huge carbon footprint and noise created by having six different companies driving all over, back and forth, through Maple Ridge picking up from here and there on any given day.

Our cul-de-sac has five different firms on different days backing in (alarms ringing) to pick up garbage. The inefficiency is mind-boggling.

Perhaps if the city continues with private collection, the city could impose neighbourhoods for specific companies, reducing the cross-city pollution caused by all private contractors running about all areas.

Diane Wallace

Maple Ridge

‘Great job’

Editor, The News:

Re: No to single, city-wide garbage pickup.

Myself and so many in our strata complex are so strongly against municipal garbage collection.

Our current collector is doing a great job and we are so happy. If, in the event things changed for the worst, we have options to go to other contractors.

If city does a lacklustre job, we are stuck with them – no options.

Let these little people keep their jobs, they treat us just fine.

Ron Smith

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News