Letter: The Grinch-team in Penticton-ville

A Penticton version of Dr. Suess' Grinch Who Stole Christmas

While some Whos in Penticton were lying “a-snooze”

Some peacefully sleeping, some groggy from booze,

And while other Whos just didn’t worry or care,

A Grinch-team was planning to steal Christmas there.

Their scheme was to snatch the Whos’ pride and their joy,

“Skaha Park,” said they, “needs some re-vitalized toys!”

They’d load up the old toys into their Grinch sacks,

Claimed they’d just “fix” things up, and bring them right back.

Just like the Grinch Santa, when asked “Why?” they lied,

“There’s a light on this tree that won’t light on one side.”

They chuckled and clucked, “what a great Grinchy trick,”

With our coat and our hat, we’ll look just like Saint Nick!

They even had an old dog they called “Max,”

Who eagerly serviced the team’s daring planned acts,

Dressed like a deer, with a horn on his head,

Hitched to the sleigh, looking awfully dread.

Then ever so stealthily the Grinches did creep,

Toward Penticton-Ville where most were asleep.

Astonished that some Whos were awake and cried “Why!”

And not so naive as to believe a Grinch lie.

But they rumoured amongst them “how dare any Who ask

What WE the Dream-Team do, and take US to task!”

But some suggested perhaps Grinch shoes were too tight,

Others thought that Grinch heads were not screwed on just right.

We know that in Seuss’ story there was a good ending,

While Penticton-Ville’s story goes on, and is pending.

For sure Christmas still comes when it’s in a Who’s heart,

That’s not reliant on gifts, new toys or even a park.

But still, Penticton-Ville Whos have a determined Grinch team

That is not so benevolent as they’d like to seem.

If those Grinch hearts won’t change and abandon their schemes,

It will take a good Judge to squash their Grinch-dreams!

Hannah Hyland




Penticton Western News