LETTER: The mathematics of modern government

LETTER: The mathematics of modern government

Years ago we had 3P, which stands for piss poor planning. Now we have P3, which stands for public private partnership.

Years ago we had 3P, which stands for piss poor planning. Now we have P3, which stands for public private partnership. Any student of mathematics will tell you that A times B equals B times A, or AB = BA. Hence 3P =P3. Now consider P4 which can stand for public pays private profits. Now think about when 3P = P3 = P4 which in fact is the reality of such arrangements. But some people might argue this cannot happen. Bit it can when P equals zero. This what the public gets out of such arrangements or less.

Now we have T2P. This can be Shakespeared. 2P or not 2P, that is the question. Hopefully the right choice is made to benefit all Canadians. It just seems that Canadians are getting P’d on from sea to shining sea.

Ed Varney, Vallican

Nelson Star