Letter: There is a tax break for kid-free seniors

The homeowner's grant is there to help out with school taxes on your property tax bill.

To the editor;

I enjoy reading the newspaper, but find it very insulting and annoying to read comments by S. Harder (Letters, April 2).

She asks the question, why does she have to pay school property taxes when he is retired and never had any children. If she would have done her research, instead of blowing off steam and shooting from the hip, she would have noticed that this is the whole reason for the yearly homeowners grant.

The grant is there to help out with the school taxes on every B.C. homeowner property tax bill; $845 for a B.C. senior and $1,045 for a B.C. senior if their property is in northern B.C. and in a rural area.

Unbelievable, but very comical.

Must be an NDPer!

Joe Sawchuk

Duncan, B.C.

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