
Letter: There should be cameras in driver test vehicles

Examiners should have no reservations about recording events and scoring

There should be cameras in driver test vehicles

Full support for Mark Andersen’s proposal to put cameras in driver test vehicles. But he can’t give all the reasons for fear it will harm his business as a driving school.

The current system for driver examination in B.C., in my experience, is arbitrary, outdated, subjective, inefficient, and without recourse to appeal. Examiners should have no reservations about recording events and scoring. As they say, “This call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes”.

Ever since the Humboldt bus crash politicians all across Canada have weighed in with a cry for more training. This is great for jobs for trainers and examiners, but it fixes nothing. It only puts the fox in charge of the henhouse. Everybody knows that an overworked driver slept while he blew through a flashing stop light. Training will not fix that. That requires laws that penalize owners who allow unfit drivers. But I digress.

Test vehicles need cameras to protect the integrity and quality of driver education and examination.

Bruce Matthews


Cowichan Valley Citizen