
LETTER: ‘These are not normal times’

COVID-19 health directives should be followed by all


Re: Vaccine ‘passport’ creates concerns, Aug. 26

With hindsight, Dr. Bonnie Henry should never have lifted the mask mandate last July for indoor places, which she reinstated on Aug. 25.

As of last week, there were nearly 800 daily new COVID cases, 79 per cent with people who were not vaccinated. Apparently the virus can still affect those who have been fully vaccinated.

The concern voiced was that having a vaccine ‘passport’ as proof of immunization for indoor venues would, “put local businesses and their employees in the position of enforcing the province’s directive and dealing with the fallout from upset customers.”

Isn’t providing a safe and healthy environment a commercial responsibility?

Inspectors determine whether managers have met the required restaurant health standards. Since there are laws forbidding alcohol being served to minors, should the practice of asking a person’s age when necessary be stopped because it may create “a difficult and awkward situation” for somebody?

Restaurant staff can decide when a customer has had enough to drink and ask them to leave the premises. When they refuse, staff can call the police. Admittedly, “We’ve already had incidents of abuse from people who don’t want to follow the mask mandate.”

Then refuse them entry and if they are abusive, call the police. Or are owners concerned it will affect their reputation?

Currently, people who refuse to wear a mask or be vaccinated should not be allowed to enter indoor venues.

That is the price they pay because the risk to the public is too great. These are not normal times and people should follow official health directives.

A.Leering, White Rock

Peace Arch News