The new bike lanes and parking on Broadway Street, seen here on July 10, 2020, have frustrated some Chilliwack residents. (Jenna Hauck/ The Progress)

The new bike lanes and parking on Broadway Street, seen here on July 10, 2020, have frustrated some Chilliwack residents. (Jenna Hauck/ The Progress)

LETTER: Things that make you go ‘Aargh’

An incomplete list of bad behaviour on the roads as witnessed by a cyclist


That’s what I mutter from time to time (cleaned up some) as I take my daily bike ride and come into occasional conflict with pedestrians and drivers and other cyclists. While a large majority of pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists are cautious, courteous, and in compliance with the rules-of-the-road, there are those who are rude, ignorant of the rules, or oblivious of what’s happening around them – I’m talking to you, cellphone users! – and who can make things shift from enjoyment to panic in a heartbeat. An incomplete list:

Pedestrians and cyclists on the wrong side of the road. Pedestrians are meant to be on left side of the road facing oncoming traffic, whilst cyclists are to be on the right, travelling with the traffic. Among other things this allows pedestrians to see cyclists about to pass them and to help cyclists avoid possible collisions;

Cyclists riding on sidewalks and crosswalks. The word “walk” holds a clue here;

Cyclists riding up to a stop sign or red light and stopping next to a car signalling to turn right. And then getting huffy when the driver doesn’t see them and turns in front of them. It’s OK cylists, to get in the line of vehicles waiting at a stop sign or light. Really;

Drivers who get huffy when cyclists take the appropriate lane to wait to make a turn. Bikes are considered vehicles, and it’s a legal move. They’re even allowed to safely take a spot in the left turn lane. Yep, it’s true!

The list goes on. I urge folks to review the information found at

There. I feel better.

Ernie Eaves


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