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Letter: Thoughts of peace for U.S. Independence Day

Kelowna - I wish Americans would seriously contemplate what your country has become

To the editor:

Thoughts on this Fourth of July, directed at my American friends and relatives and anyone else listening: Individually, I wish you a peaceful celebration of your Independence Day.

Collectively, I wish Americans would seriously contemplate what your country has become. The world has been witnessing the dismantling of democratic principles within the US as a result of your devastating “choice” on Nov.8, 2016. If you think your choice only affects Americans, you are sadly mistaken. Canada ️ and the U.S. ️ are historic friends and allies. In my own case, as with so many others, our family relationships are intertwined. Yet we are at war, even if it’s only described as a trade war —and it is having very negative consequences on many levels. We do know that most Americans respect us and value the friendship between our countries. But your current leader clearly does not. I’d like you to read this public post from one of your very concerned countrymen, whom you should thank for his precision, eloquence, brevity and courage:

“It is not just this president or just this administration, it is the Republican party in general. They built Trump. Brick by brick. Stone by stone. Policy by policy. They enable him to this day. They aid and abet his criminal activities day by day. He and way too many of them attack our institutions every day.

Our education system is under attack.

Freedom of the press is under attack.

An independent judiciary is under attack.

Our National Intelligence and Security Agencies are under attack.

The independence of our Department of Justice is under attack.

Our national electoral process is under attack and this administration and this Republican-controlled Congress do nothing except attack those who are trying to find out the truth and fix the problem.

The only thing No. 45 had right during the campaign (and since) is that the election was “rigged.” It was rigged, just not as he implied. Extreme gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, and Crosscheck Purging, if your party has to use these unAmerican tactics what does it say about your party and their agenda? If you support these unAmerican tactics what does it say about you.

Today’s Republican Party has become the party of lies, fear, and hate. Today’s Republican Party is ‘A Clear and Present Danger’ to our country and our way of life. Period” Jeff Prusi

Of course, the Democratic Party is not without blame for this untenable situation. We hope that many lessons have been learned, and will never be repeated. We hope that things will change for the better as soon as voters get the chance to have a say again. We know that Americans generally are a wonderful bunch of people and the current leadership really doesn’t represent the masses. Paraphrasing one Canadian, our friends south of the border “have got themselves into a bad fix” with “an uncommonly ugly piece of work.”

We do know 45 is a rogue, but he is also a menace to the entire world. The rest of the world can’t fix this problem, but collectively, you can. On Nov. 6 please change the balance of power and begin to repair the damage that has been done. It is your personal and collective responsibility. Then we’ll all have something to celebrate next year.

Margo McMahan,


Kelowna Capital News