Letter: Threat at both ends of life cycle

How grateful [our adopted children] escaped the threat of abortion…Will they now have to face [euthanasia] threat at the end of their lives?

To the editor:

Forty-seven years ago tomorrow our daughter, Anneliese, was born and given up for adoption by her mother. Two days later, May 14 ,abortion was legalized in Canada by Pierre Trudeau.

How fortunate we were to adopt her on our adopted son Thomas’s second birthday. How grateful that they escaped the threat of abortion.

Now, 47 years later, Pierre’s son, Justin, has brought in euthanasia. Will Tom and Anneliese now have to also face that threat at the end of their lives? The Trudeaus have not kept our land glorious and free.

Rosemary Lalonde, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News