Letter: Threat to children does not lie with LGBTQ students

Editor: Re: SOGI – Whose values are being imposed upon whom? (the Times, Oct. 27).

Letter: Threat to children does not lie with LGBTQ students

Editor: Re: SOGI – Whose values are being imposed upon whom? (the Times, Oct. 27).

Clearly this is a misunderstanding of Canada’s constitutional protections. It seems that you are mistaking equality rights granted by s.15 of the Charter for maybe something like the United States’ First Amendment for Free Speech.

“Tradition” is not protected by law, (but) it is recognized.

You compare SOGI curriculum to apartheid-based corporal punishment — how so?

Is it a fear for loss of culture? If this is the case, need I remind you that the Canadian school system itself has historically been an instrument used by the federal and provincial governments for the erasure of non-white culture, and has been used as a tool of genocide?

Surely you must see that the children that you fear are in no position to perpetrate such crimes against humanity.

This is adults we are talking about.

If you are truly concerned for the safety of your granddaughter, may I suggest reviewing statistics related to the likelihood that she will be abused by a heterosexual male in her lifetime, if she has not been already.

Making the claim that she is put at risk by LGBT students who are also minors not only sensationalizes the issue, but completely ignores and even covers up the significant threat that straight men pose to women.

There are definitely people out there to be wary of and who absolutely take advantage of their social positions to harm kids.

I hope you read this letter and reconsider.

D. Lynn,


Langley Times