
LETTER: Thrift store helps school art program

From the staff of Trafalgar Middle School

The Trafalgar art program prides itself on using found materials and/or recycled materials to produce works of art. Through this program students learn to upcycle by using the physical objects as both their canvas and inspiration. Students also learn about form, colour, and the “why” behind making creative works, also known as conceptual art. Lastly, through tie-dying, they also explore colour theory!

This program would not be possible without the generous support of Positive Apparel Thrift Store. They have continually supported this program by donating a variety of items. Without them, students would not be able to produce their tie-dye items. With their help, students have produced many upcycled pieces of art. We hope to continue this program for many years to come!

Trafalgar Middle School Staff


Nelson Star