Letter: Thrift stores signal decay

Dear Editor,

Langley City’s big race to the bottom.

From a single all candidates meeting, held in the middle of the day, in a location not accessible by TransLink, with a well stocked audience from the Township and more plants than the local garden center. Where, even now one failed candidate roams the streets, with a petition, in a vain attempt of a recount.

The increased homeless population, who have made the “new” Tim Hortons Homeless HQ.

Where anytime day or night one doesn’t have to look far to see open drug dealing, screaming, and shouting at each other, or just at random air. They sit on tables, sleep and or OD in booths.

Where groups of men and women crowd into bathrooms together, before leaving without even buying a corner of a Timbit.

Now, suddenly everyone is celebrating Langley becoming some sort of destination thrift, when they should be doing a collective face palm.

Thrift is an animal bred to consume itself. There is no customer loyalty among thrifters. Lowest price wins!

In time the market will shake itself out. Some of the “for-profit stores” will disappear, but it is the charities who suffer until then.

Being a 55-year resident, I have watched the City evolve, and unless something changes the next big money maker will be printing signs that say FOR LEASE…

Tim Attwood, Langley



Langley Advance