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LETTER: Ticketed and Ticked

Wayne Northey of Agassiz is hopping mad about his parking ticket

To Whom it May Concern — and I hope it does concern the Harrison Hot Springs council:

Unbeknownst, a fellow senior and I parked one recent morning in front of the Black Forest Restaurant, only to discover after a delightful hike that we had been ticketed for having failed to pay a parking fee.

I knew there had been a fee last summer, so looked for signage as I drove in. When I saw none, I assumed that during COVID-19, the fee had been discontinued. My friend and I were rudely disabused of that notion by what was flapping under a wiper.

We couldn’t believe it! Neither of us had seen any obvious signage.

So yes: I’m ticked!

You know full well that we have not been the only persons so mistreated. I’m sure you have heard the legitimate “I did not know” complaint numerous times. On the surface, therefore, ticketing appears to be a money grab. Else you would have very obvious signage that motorists could not miss.

So I’ll pay the ticket but no longer wish to pay a further visit, beautiful as is the municipality. Such ticketing without clear warning gives a clear message: VISITORS NOT WELCOME. Thank you. I/we got the message.

So please use my money and that of others wrongfully ticketed to pay for not-to-be-missed signage. Then please let me know. I’d like to visit Harrison again.


Wayne Northey


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Agassiz-Harrison Observer