Letter: Time for a uniform makeover for the Rockets

Let’s finally give Ogie and Rocky a well-deserved retirement and start the next season with a team that looks as good as it plays.

To the editor:

Having been a faithful, fanatical Rockets fan for more than a decade, it has finally dawned on me that Kelowna’s team needs a makeover.

The unavoidable reality struck home before the puck had even dropped for the season-ending series against the Portland Winterhawks.

There stood our opponents, lined up for the national anthems, wearing the home colours of their NHL cousins from Chicago—professional, classy and stiking.

By contrast, the Rockets looked like a team searching for an identity.

I have never been able to figure out why a team called the Rockets, wear a cartoon lake monster on their chests and have a racooon for a mascot.

It doesn’t take a focus group to conclude the team needs a focus and a rebranding.

For starters, the Rockets’ brainstrust should hold an open contest to have the public submit logos that actually capture the teams’s name and reflect the super natural Okanagan.

Let’s finally give Ogie and Rocky a well-deserved retirement and start the next season with a team that looks as good as it plays.

Gunnar Forsstrom,



Kelowna Capital News