Letter: Time for Harper to move on

It is time for him to take his backwards beliefs elsewhere, writes Terry Keough.

Watching the longest election any of us have had to endure makes me astonished that the race is reported as being as close as it is.

In Canada we elect representatives, not rulers. Representatives are elected to work for the rights and interests of all their constituents. This means that even though 60 per cent do not support the Conservatives, they are tasked with looking at what the citizens want and trying to work to that end.

Conservative MPs are forced to vote the party line rather than actually representing their region. Stephen Harper’s government has done a poor job over the past eight years, promising balanced budgets and delivering eight deficits and two recessions. They continue to monger fear, hatred and racism across our nation which has long prided itself as an example of multiculturalism.

It is no wonder that Harper hired the attack ad people that worked for George W. Bush and swapped out “Real Americans” for “Old Stock Canadians,” spitting in the face of every veteran who gave their life for our right to citizenship.

Stephen Harper is Canada’s George W. Bush and it is time for him to take his backwards beliefs elsewhere.

– Terry Keough, Rock Creek


Grand Forks Gazette